Tuesday, August 4, 2009

I'm choosing life!

Okay, so how did we get here? For the past few years, God has been putting it on my heart to take responsibility for what I eat and how I ended up with all this excess weight. Needless to say, it hasn't been easy in the least, but we have made some changes in my household like choosing organic foods when possible. It is somewhat more expensive but I have also learnt how to shop with coupons and when things are on sale.

The other big motivator has been raising our family. I just think of my little babies and how they are subject to eat whatever I give them! Also, they learn from me and everything I do so now, my responsibility is not only for my benefit but to them. For instance, Dimi won't eat beans now because she doesn't like it. Well, guess who else doesn't like beans? ME! I unintentionally didn't expose her to it and the first thing she knew of it was that mommy didn't like it. On the other hand, Kunle loves beans. Since I am the one feeding the household though, I realized a little late that I was the one who should have created a positive light around beans - at least for her to give it a try. Hopefully, I can still fix that.

Anyways, I am committing to a healthier lifestyle, where we go back to the basics, less processed foods, more homemade recipes. I will be gradual in my change but I WILL CHANGE, however difficult that may be.

So in your own way:
  • Say goodbye to the excess weight you have seen me drag around all these years!
  • Join me in living a well-rounded, healthier lifestyle!
  • Support me in raising healthy children!
  • Pray for me to find the strength God has given me already to overcome!